Freezer friendly( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 1.5 litrewater
- 2 cubechicken stock
- 150 gramswholewheat fusilli pasta
- 400 gramscarrots*
- 250 gramsmushrooms
- 1 courgette
- leftover roast chicken
- 0.5 lemon
- 200 mlsingle cream
- 1 wholewheat baguette
- salt
- pepper

About the recipe
25 MIN
This is the recipe for a super easy chicken soup with veggies and wholewheat pasta, made with the leftovers from our yummy chicken with compote. An easy and quick dish for the day after. Enjoy!
1. Bring water and crumbled stock cubes to the boil and add pasta. Let boil for 10 minutes whilst you peel the carrots and cut them into snack-friendly wedges. Wash the mushrooms and quarter them, and slice the (washed) courgette.
2. After ten minutes, add the carrots and chicken bits to the soup. Let boil for another five minutes, then add the mushrooms and courgette. Now taste test your soup - it might just need a dash of salt and pepper before it's perfect. It might need another stock cube and a bit of lemon juice and then another taste. Add some cream at the very end.
3. Serve the piping hot soup with the wholewheat baguette - and slurp away!
4. Enjoy!
Although we've used single cream, you can absolutely leave it out or use milk instead. Or go for the double cream, if you really want to get the party going! You can easily make this without having roasted a whole chicken the day before as well - just fry up a couple of chicken fillets to use in the soup instead.