The worlds quickest pizza


Freezer friendly

( 2 adults and 2 kids )

  • 500 gramspotatoes
  • onion
  • 8 tbsppizza sauce
  • Greek flatbreads or similar- or pizza dough
  • 1 ballmozzarella
  • 0.5 cucumber
  • 300 gramscarrots*
* = Good to know - click the ingredient
= See the recipe - click the ingredient

This really is the quickest and easiest pizza in the world! We've bought a packet of Greek flatbreads, found on the bread shelves of just about any supermarket and topped them with tomato sauce. And then it's as simple as topping with your favourite toppings and give this "cheaty" pizza 15 minutes in the oven. Enjoy!


1. Preheat your oven to 225 degrees convection. Boil the potatoes, if you don't have some left over in the fridge from the week past. Cut the cooked potatoes into bite-sized chunks and slice the onion into thin rings.

2. Spread the pizza sauce across the flatbreads or dough. Leave off sauce on the outermost centimeter of the bases. Top the pizzas with potato and onion rings and rip the mozzarella into small pieces and spread across the filling to finish. You can also use ham, cooked chicken, leftover spag bol or whatever toppings you like the best.

3. Bake the pizzas for 10-15 minutes, until the cheese is golden. Optionally, you can garnish with fresh basil or other greens if you have some to hand.

4. Wash the cucumber, peel the carrots and cut both into sticks for snack veggies to serve alongside the pizzas.

5. Enjoy!


You can use absolutely whatever toppings you like the best. Leftover potatoes are great, if you have some about from the week past. Or you can simply boil a batch - in this case, boil a bit extra so you have some for packed lunches. We've used greek flatbreads from the supermarket. If you can't find any, use another type of base, crack open some foccacia to make "deep pan pizzas" or make your own pizza dough with our quick recipe. Remember to save a few slices of pizza for the kids' packed lunches - if there's any left, that is!

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