The cutest coloured popcorn


( 2 adults and 2 kids )

  • 2 tbsprapeseed oil
  • 150 mlunpopped popcorn
  • 420 gramssugar
  • 1 tbspglucose syrup
  • 150 mlsingle cream 8%
  • 1 tspvanilla sugar
  •  food colouring
  •  salt
  •  baking parchment
* = Good to know - click the ingredient
= See the recipe - click the ingredient

Mmm, they're super yummy, these dyed caramelised popcorn, and they're perfect for birthdays and the Eurovision-party. And the very best: They're not hard to make at all. Enjoy!


1. Pour the oil into a pot along with the corn kernels and put the lid on. Crank the heat all the way up, and shake the pot when the popping starts. Turn the heat down slightly and keep popping and shaking until all kernels are popped. Be careful not to let them burn!

2. Pour into a bowl and let cool.

3. Mix sugar, glucose syrup and single cream in a pot. Bring to the boil while stirring and add vanilla sugar. Once the sugar is dissolved, reduce it down to a thick syrup-like consistency - remember to stir continuously, so it doesn't burn. Once the mass has thickened, divide into small bowls - one bowl per colour you want your popcorn to have. Add 3-5 drops of food colouring to the caramel mass and stir.

4. Now mix the popcorn with the coloured syrup and make sure each popcorn gets coloured. Spread onto a piece of baking parchment to cool, and sprinkle with a bit of salt.

5. The popcorn will be ready to eat after 30-60 minutes. And 1-2-3: Munch away!

6. Enjoy!


Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help put their favourite colour in the syrup mass, and mixing the popcorn.

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