( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 1000 gramspotatoes
- 1 pork tenderloin
- 40 gramsalmonds*
- 400 gramscarrots*
- 200 gramsgrapes
- dressing of your choice
- 200 gramsmushrooms
- 1 cubechicken stock
- 200 mlsingle cream 8%
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
- corn flour
- butter

About the recipe
30 MIN
20 MIN
Here goes a super delicious pork tenderloin with roast spuds, mushroom gravy and a sweet salad of grated carrot, grapes and toasted almonds. Make in the oven or bust out the barbecue if weather permits. Enjoy!
1. Preheat your oven to 220 degrees fan-assisted or fire up the grill if the weather is in your favour.
2. Start by prepping the potatoes - peel or scrub them. Cut into nice bites and pop into a casserole dish. Mix with a good drizzle of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven, or under a lid on the grill.
3. Trim the tenderloin by removing the worst tendons and fat deposits with your finest knife. Of course remembering to mind your fingers as you wield your blade!
4. Season the tenderloin with salt and pepper and quickly sear in some olive oil on a pan or on the hot grill. Pop the tenderloin on top of your spuds and let it all cook together for another 25 minutes or so, until the tenderloin is cooked through or faintly pink - depending on your preference.
5. Meanwhile, fix the gravy and sweet salad. Toast the almonds on a dry pan until lightly browned, let cool on a plate, then chop. Peel carrots and grate on the coarse side of a grater. Mix almonds and carrots with halved grapes and dressing of your choice.
6. Rinse, clean and quarter the mushrooms. Fry in butter on a pan over high heat. Add stock and cream and bring to the boil. Thicken the gravy with corn flour or flour mixed with a bit of water. Bring the gravy back to the boil, taste and season as needed, adding more stock, salt or pepper to your taste.
7. Remove the tenderloin and cover it on a cutting board. Pop the potatoes back in the oven, crank it up to 250 degrees and give the spuds some colour while the tenderloin rests.
8. Slice the tenderloin and serve with the roast potatoes, gravy and sweet salad. Enjoy!
Tasks for younger kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help cut up the potatoes. They can also halve the grapes and peel the carrots.