( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- wholegrain rice
- leftover tenderloin pot
- 50 gramshazelnuts
- lettuce of your choice
- 1 orange
- 200 gramscarrots*
- dressing of your choice
- salt
- pepper
* = Good to know - click the ingredient

About the recipe
Kitchen time
20 MIN
Waiting time
It doesn't get much easier than this! Simply heat up yesterday's leftover tenderloin pot og lave en hurtig salat - så er der aftensmad. God fornøjelse!
1. Cook the rice according to the packet.
2. Heat up yesterday's leftover tenderloin pot.
3. Meanwhile, roast hazelnuts on a dry pan and leave to cool on a plate.
4. Rinse lettuce and peel the orange, and cut both into smaller segments. Peel and grate the carrots on the coarse side of a grater. Dress the salad with hazelnuts and dressing.
5. Enjoy!
Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help rinse the lettuce, and cut lettuce and orange for the salad.