Freezer friendly( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 1.5 litrewater
- 2 cubevegetable stock
- 280 gramschicken fillet
- 300 gramscarrots*
- 1 green bell pepper
- 1 red bell pepper
- 0.25 pointed cabbage
- 150 gramsedamame beans
- 3 cmfresh ginger
- 250 gramswholewheat noodles
- soy sauce
- sweet chilli sauce

About the recipe
20 MIN
This is one super cosy dinner! A sort of personal fondue, where everyone at the table can build their own soup. Here at the Mambeno home, there was intense concentration and slurping from all soup creators. We hope the same will be the case for your family. Enjoy!
1. Boil water and crumbled stock cube in a pot.
2. Cut the chicken fillets into thin strips, season with salt and pepper and cook through in some olive oil on a pan. Remember to wash hands and utensils when you're done.
3. Peel the carrots and grate on the rough side of a grater. Rinse and clean the bell peppers and slice into thin strips. Cut pointed cabbage into thin strips as well. Cook edamame beans according to the bag. Peel and finely chop the ginger.
4. Place the various veggies and the cooked chicken in small bowls or on platters.
5. Cook the noodles according to the packet and let drip off well. Optionally, mix in a bit of olive oil, to stop them from sticking together.
6. Pop some noodles into deep plates and pour soup over. And then let the family loose to assemble their own favourite soups. Top with soy and sweet chilli sauce, if you have that sort to hand.
7. Enjoy!
Tasks for kids in the family: Let your kids help cut bell pepper and pointed cabbage, and peel carrots.
If you want to reduce the amount of additives in your cooking, you can pick up organic stock. And if you're in a big rush, you can pick up cooked chicken and instant noodles from the supermarket.