( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 500 gramsfresh pasta
- 400 gramsgrill sausages
- 250 mlsingle cream 8%
- 1 clovegarlic
- 0.5 tbspdried oregano
- 1 cubevegetable stock
- 1 headbroccoli
- 50 gramsgrated parmesan
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
- lemon

About the recipe
25 MIN
This pasta dish takes just 25 minutes. We've put it together from fresh pasta, fried sausages and broccoli, in a light cream sauce and topped with parmesan. Super easy, and really tasty. Enjoy!
1. Cook the pasta according to the packet.
2. Slice the sausages. Fry in a bit of olive oil on a pan, until lightly browned. Add single cream, pressed garlic, oregano, and crumbled stock cube.
3. Cut rinsed broccoli into smaller florets, and let it simmer along with the sauce for a few minutes, so they're warm throughout but retain a nice crunch.
4. Season with salt, pepper and some lemon juice.
5. Serve the pasta in deep plates with grated parmesan and an optional herb garnish, if you have one handy.
6. Enjoy!
Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help slice the sausages. They can also break florets off the broccoli, and help taste and season the sauce.