Quick bearnaise sauce


( 2 adults and 2 kids )

  • 250 gramsbutter
  • pasteurised egg yolks
  • 2 tspvinegar- white wine or apple cider
  • 1 bunchfresh terragon
  •  salt
  •  pepper
* = Good to know - click the ingredient
= See the recipe - click the ingredient

Bearnaise sauce is a favourite with most kids and adults. We don't think the supermarket version is bad at all - but it doesn't take long to make your own, and if you stick to our recipe, you needn't worry about it separating!


1. Melt the butter in a pot, and leave to cool in the pot until it's just warm enough to touch when you need it.

2. Pour egg yolks and 2 tsp. vinegar in another pot. Switch the hob on to medium heat, and whisk forcefully. You don't want the heat too high, or the egg will start to cook and turn to scrambled eggs. As soon as the yolks start to thicken, whisk some more and remove the pot from the heat. Leave the pot off the heat from this point on - this way you'll avoid it separating.

3. While you whisk, add the melted, lukewarm butter bit by bit. The sauce will now start to get thick and creamy. Add the rest of the butter while whisking - but not the last, milky white bit at the bottom. This is whey, and just goes in the bin.

4. Add washed and chopped terragon and season with salt, pepper and maybe a bit more vinegar to taste. The bearnaise should be served warm, not hot - if it gets too hot, it will separate. If you're brave, you can heat it very carefully when it's done - but be careful it doesn't get too hot! The hob should be on no higher than level 2 - and you'll need to whisk continuously. The sauce should never be hotter than fingertip-warm, or you risk it separating.

5. Serve with a nice, juicy steak and homemade oven chips.

6. Enjoy!

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