( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 600 gramsbaking potatoes
- 500 gramsJerusalem artichokes
- 1 pork tenderloin
- 200 mlcold water
- 50 gramspumpkin seeds- or sunflower seeds
- 100 gramsspiced cream cheese- your preferred flavour of savoury cream cheese, eg. garlic and herb
- dried oregano- or thyme
- 2 apples
- 0.5 lemon
- acacia honey*
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
- baking parchment

About the recipe
30 MIN
10 MIN
Look forward to yummy pork tenderloin with crispy potato wedges and an easy Jerusalem artichoke salad. The lot is served with a super tasty spiced cream cheese sauce. Enjoy!
1. Preheat your oven to 225 degrees convection. Scrub potatoes and jerusalem artichokes clean. Cut the potatoes into thin wedges, place on a baking tray with baking parchment and cover with a nice dash of olive oil. Sprinkle with seasoning of your choice. Pop the artichokes in a baking tray and mix with olive oil. Bake both for approx. 30 minutes, until beautifully golden. Remember to turn them during cooking.
2. If needed, trim the biggest and baddest tendons from the tenderloin with your best and biggest knife - but mind your fingers! Season and sear it in a bit of olive oil on a large pan - ideally one with a lid.
3. Add water to the pan with the tenderloin, pop the lid on and let it cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes, until cooked through or lightly pink in the centre - depending on preference.
4. If you don't have a lid, you can place another pan over it - or use tin foil. Remember to save the juices from the pan for the sauce. Remove the tenderloin from the pan and let it rest uncovered on a cutting board, while you finish up the rest.
5. Roast pumpkin or sunflower seeds on a dry pan until browned and leave to cool on a plate. Bring the juices from the tenderloin to the boil, add spiced cream cheese and stir well. Add a bit of dried oregano or thyme and season to taste with salt and pepper.
6. Rinse the apples and cut into bite-sized chunks. Mix with the warm artichokes, roast pumpkin or sunflower seeds, lemon zest and the juice from the lemon. Season to taste with acacia honey, salt and pepper. Serve the juicy tenderloin with crispy potatoes, sauce and artichoke salad. Enjoy!
Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids scrub the Jerusalem artichokes and cut up the apples.