Freezer friendly( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- semolina flour- for rolling
- 500 gramspizza dough
- 8 tbsptomato sauce
- 4 grill sausages
- 1 snack pepper
- 1 courgette
- 1 onion
- 1 ballmozzarella
- 300 gramscarrots*
- 4 celery*
- olive oil- for topping

About the recipe
15 MIN
15 MIN
With our pizza recipes, it's completely up to you whether you want to make everything from scratch or buy everything ready made from the supermarket, if you're in a rush. If you want to make something yourself, just click the little chefs hat by the ingredient, that'll take you to the recipe, and you can add it to your shopping list. Enjoy!
1. Preheat your oven to at least 250 - ideally 275 - degrees with a baking tray on the bottom shelf. If you have a pizza stone, put that on an oven grate in the cold oven before you turn it on. You can make the pizza on the grill too, if you have the kind with a lid. Then just put a pizza stone on the cold grill and let it warm up with the grill.
2. Sprinkle semolina onto a clean tabletop and roll out two pizza bases to about 30 cm in diameter. Note: If you don't have a pizza peel to move the pizzas to the oven with, move the rolled out dough to a piece of baking parchment before you put on the sauce and toppings.
3. Spread tomato sauce onto the bottoms. Cut the sausage into bites and bell peppers, courgette and onion into thin slices. Spread the toppings onto the pizza and finally rip the mozzarella into little bits and spread on top.
4. Move the pizzas to the oven or grill with a pizza peel, or slide a cutting board under the baking parchment holding the pizzas. Bake the pizzas for 10-15 minutes one by one, until the cheese is golden and the crust crispy. Sprinkle with some dried oregano and a drizzle of olive oil to finish. Cut the peeled carrots and celery into sticks for snack veggies. Enjoy - and don't forget napkins, as pizza is best eaten with your hands.
We've figured 2 pizzas for 2 adults and two kids. If you're hungrier, just adjust the amounts.