Pickled red onion with anise


( 1 jar )

  • red onion
  • 200 mlwater
  • 400 mlvinegar
  • 200 gramssugar
  • star anise
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Pickled veggies are great to have in the fridge, and can elevate even the plainest of dinners! This is a slightly Christmasy edition, pickling red onion with anise. They make for a lovely, homemade Christmas or hosting present, too!


1. Halve the red onion and cut into fine strips. Pop the onion in a mason or jam jar, that's been scalded with plenty of boiling water.

2. Bring water, vinegar, sugar and star anise in a pot. Pour the brine over the onion and seal the jar, while the vinegar is still hot. Let the jars cool before refrigerating.

3. Enjoy!


Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help pour vinegar, sugar, water and anise in the pot. The pickled onion keeps for about a month in the fridge.

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