Freezer friendly( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- wholegrain rice
- leftover paprika stew
- 300 gramscarrots*
- 0.5 cucumber

About the recipe
10 MIN
30 MIN
This is the recipe for our super tasty paprika stew with chicken, cocktail sausages and the works - on day two. And this sort of stews if possible taste even better on day two, so get excited! Wholegrain rice take a bit longer to cook than normal rice, so consider cooking a big portion the day before to reheat on day two. Enjoy!
1. Boil the rice following the directions on the packet, and reheat the leftovers from yesterdays paprika stew in a pot or the microwave. Carefully stir during, so the chicken doesn't get too crumbly.
2. Serve the paprika stew with the piping hot rice and peeled carrots and washed cucumber cut into sticks for snack veggies. Sprinkle some herbs on top if you have any to hand.
3. Enjoy!
Cocktail sausages are just wonderful, and there's often a bit of a battle for them. So if the pot (as it always is with us) ripped of cocktail sausages on day one, remember to add a bit more on day two!