Noodle salad with pork tenderloin, vegetables and peanuts


( 2 adults and 2 kids )

  •  wholewheat noodles
  • 0.5 cucumber
  • red bell pepper
  • 200 gramscarrots*
  • spring onions
  • 100 mlsoy sauce
  • 100 mlsweet chilli sauce
  • 2 cmfresh ginger
  • 1 clovegarlic
  • lime
  • 2 tbspolive oil
  •  leftover pork tenderloin
  • 1 bunchfresh coriander
  • 150 gramspeanuts
  •  acacia honey*
  •  salt
* = Good to know - click the ingredient
= See the recipe - click the ingredient

Cold noodle salad tastes amazing, and it's fairly quick to make. Here we've made a version with leftover pork tenderloin, and topped with nothing less than the world's best Asian dressing, and of course crispy veg. Enjoy!


1. Cook the noodles according to the packet and immediately rinse with cold water to cool them, then set aside.

2. Rinse cucumber and bell pepper and remove the bell pepper seeds. Peel the carrots and cut into very thin strips, or peel thin slices with a potato peeler. Rinse the spring onions and cut into small rings.

3. Pop soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce, ginger, garlic, limejuice and oil in the mini chopper, or use a hand blender. Give the lot a good whirl. Season to taste with salt and honey, if you like.

4. Thinly slice the leftover tenderloin.

5. Now mix veggies, chopped fresh coriander, noodles, dressing and peanuts in a bowl.

6. Enjoy!


Fresh coriander tends to split the waters, so if you're not on the coriander side, it can be left out. Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids remove the bell pepper seeds and cut into strips. If they're used to handling a peeler, they can peel the carrots, too.

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