( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 750 gramsfrozen potato wedges
- lettuce of your choice
- 1 apple
- 1 pomegranate
- 500 gramsbeef mince
- 1 onion
- 200 gramsmushrooms
- 200 mlsingle cream 8%
- 100 mlwater
- 1 cubebeef stock
- 0.5 tbspdried thyme
- 2 tbspcorn flour
- salt
- pepper
- olive oil
- butter
- dressing of your choice
- baking parchment

About the recipe
35 MIN
Mince steaks in mushrooms sauce are SUPER tasty – we're just saying.. Although some kids may want to pick out the mushroom bits. But that's alright – more for the grownups! We're serving this dish with baked potato wedges and a sour salad with apples and pomegranate. Enjoy!
1. Preheat your oven to 220 degrees fan assisted. Place the wedges on a sheet pan with baking parchment and bake for about 30 minutes, until crispy and golden. Remember to flip them about halfway.
2. Rinse the lettuce and slice the apple. Halve the pomegranate, and work out the seeds by 'massaging' the shell with your hands over a bowl. If you picked up a pot of pomegranate seeds, you can of course skip this step – as you might've guessed! Mix the lot together and top with dressing of your choice.
3. Shape the mince into thick patties and season with salt and pepper. Fry on a pan in butter and oil until just shy of cooked to your liking. When they're almost done, remove from the pan and cover – and don't you dare clean that pan!
4. While the steaks are frying, dice the onion. Clean, wash and halve the mushrooms, then sweat both on the pan you used for the meat. Add more fat to the pan if needed, so nothing burns.
5. Add single cream, water, crumbled stock cube and thyme, and bring the lot to the boil over low heat while stirring continuously.
6. Mix some corn flour with water in a cup, and add to the pan little by little, until the sauce has the consistency you prefer. Place the steaks into the sauce and let simmer until the steaks are cooked.
7. Serve the mince steaks with mushroom sauce, potato wedge and pomegranate salad. Enjoy!
Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help slice the apple. They can also help get the pomegranate seeds out of the shell, slice the mushrooms and taste the sauce.
Some stock cubes can be quite solid. In that case, it's a good idea to crumble it into a cup of water and dissolve with some boiling water before adding to the sauce.
Opgaver til børn i køkkenet: Lad dine børn være med til at skære æblerne i skiver. De kan også være med til at få granatæblekernerne ud af skallen, skære champignonerne i skiver og smage saucen til. Nogle bouillonterninger kan være ret hårde. I så fald er det en god idé at smuldre dem i en kop og opløse dem med lidt kogende vand, inden du hælder dem i saucen.