( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 4 tomato
- 0.5 tbspdried oregano
- 600 gramspotatoes
- 500 gramsbeef mince
- 6 cheese slices
- lettuce of your choice
- 1 onion
- green pesto
- 6 burger bun
- ketchup
- burger dressing
- salt
- pepper
- olive oil
- baking parchment

About the recipe
30 MIN
Yum, here's a juicy and tasty burger with beef patties, baked tomatoes, pesto and cheese, served with baked potatoes. Let your kids make the burgers, or give a helping hand in the kitchen. Enjoy!
1. Preheat your oven to 220 degrees fan-assisted. Rinse and cut the tomatoes into wedges, and place on one half of an oven tray lined with baking parchment. Drizzle the tomatoes with a dash of olive oil, and sprinkle with oregano and a pinch of salt.
2. Scrub the potatoes, cut into pieces to your liking (the larger the pieces, the longer they'll need) and place onto the same tray as the tomatoes. Bake for 30-35 minutes, until the tomatoes are nice and soft and the potatoes are golden.
3. Meanwhile, shape the mince into patties, season with salt and pepper, and cook in some olive oil on a pan until pink or well done - to your taste.
4. Once your patties are seared on both sides and nearly ready, place a slice of cheese on each patty (for those who like that sort of thing). That gives the cheese a second to melt before serving.
5. Rinse and rip the lettuce. Thinly slice onion into rings. Place everything on the table in small bowls along with the pesto.
6. Warm the burger buns, and let the whole family assemble their own favourite burger.
7. Enjoy!
Tasks for kids in the family: Let your kids help cut the tomatoes into wedges, scrub and cut the potatoes. They can also shape the patties, rinse and rip the lettuce. And they can of course set the table and help tidy up the kitchen. We've figured two burgers per adult and one per kid - remember to adjust your shopping list, if your clan is more or less hungry.