( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 800 gramspotatoes
- 1 onion
- 1 bunchparsley
- 250 mlsingle cream 8%
- 200 mlmilk
- 1 egg
- 50 gramsgrated cheese
- 500 gramssliced pork belly
- 300 gramscarrots*
- 0.5 cucumber
- baking parchment
- salt
- pepper
- olive oil

About the recipe
25 MIN
25 MIN
Fried pork belly is the Danish classic to rule them all – in fact, it's our national dish. Traditionally served with boiled potatoes and a creamy white sauce with parsley, we've switched it up a bit today – making scrumptious creamy potatoes with parsley instead. We're serving this treat with snack veggies on the side. Enjoy!
1. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees fan assisted.
2. Peel and thinly slice the potatoes. Finely dice the onion and finely chop the parsley. Set both aside.
3. Mix cream, milk, egg, grated cheese, salt and some pepper well. Now mix potato slices, onion and parsley with your cream mix in a large bowl, using a spoon or your hands. Pour the lot into an oiled oven dish and pop it in the oven.
4. Flatten the pork belly slices a bit with your palm, place on an oven grate and sprinkle with some salt. Place the oven grate with the pork belly onto the top shelf of the oven, with a baking tray on the shelf below to collect the fat dripping.
5. Give the pork belly and potatoes about 30 minutes in the oven, until the cheese is golden and the pork belly crispy. Remember to flip the pork belly about halfway through.
6. Serve the crispy pork belly with parsley creamy potatoes, carrots and cucumber cut into snack veggies. Enjoy!
Tasks for younger kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help slice the potatoes. They can also help flatten the pork belly and cut snack veggies.