( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 600 gramsbaby potatoes
- 125 gramsgreen asparagus
- 10 cherry tomatoes
- 0.5 lemon
- 25 gramsgrated parmesan- or other cheese
- 1 flank steak
- baking parchment
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper

About the recipe
45 MIN
Flank steaks tend to get a bit overlooked in the supermarket coolers - to our benefit! Because that means you can get some super tasty meat for cheap! Here we've served flank steaks with oven roast potatoes and and easy asparagus salad with parmesan. Enjoy!
1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees convection - or fire up the grill, if the weather is showing itself from its generous side.
2. Rinse or scrub the potatoes, depending on level of dirt - and energy. Halve them, and mix with a nice dash of olive oil on a baking tray covered with baking parchment. Season with some salt. Pop the potatoes in the oven while you sort the rest.
3. Snap off the bottom bits of the asparagus, rinse and cut into bite-sized pieces. Rinse and halve the cherry tomatoes. Mix both in a bowl with some lemon juice and olive oil. Top with parmesan flakes.
4. Season the flank steak with salt and pepper - unless you invested in a marinated version.
5. Sear the flank steak over high heat in some olive oil on a pan - or quickly sear it on both sides on the grill. Pop the flank steak in a baking tray or tin foil tray, add a splash of water to the bottom of the tray, pop the tray in the oven and lower the heat to 160. If you're in the grilling mood, place the tray on the grill over indirect heat and pop the lid on. Give the flank steak 10-20 minutes, depending on thickness. A tip: Stretch out your thumb and index fingers, and lightly press the webbed bit of skin between them - when the steak feels the same, it's cooked medium.
6. Remove the steak from the grill or oven and let it rest uncovered for about 10 minutes on a cutting board. Crank the oven back up to finish roasting the potatoes. Slice the steak across the fibres and serve with the roast potatoes and the yummy asparagus salad.
7. Enjoy!