Fishcakes with potatoes, pickles, and baked pointed cabbage


( 2 adults and 2 kids )

  • 750 grampotatoes
  • 400 gramsfish farce
  • pointed cabbage
  • 25 gramsbutter
  • organic lemon
  •  pickles
  •  salt
  •  pepper
  •  olive oil
  •  baking parchment
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Fishcakes are a childhood classic in both Denmark and Britain. These are Danish-style - which means they're a bit smoother and fluffier in texture, but they're at least as delicious as the classic British kind. We've served them with baked potato wedges, pickles, and yummy baked pointed cabbage - so there's something for both veggie fans and the more green-averse. If you pick up fish farce some days before you plan to cook it, remember to check the date or freeze it so it keeps. Let it thaw in the fridge. Enjoy!


1. Preheat your oven to 225 degrees convection. Rinse or scrub the potatoes, depending on how grubby they are, and cut into wedges. Pop them on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment and coat with a good drizzle of olive oil. Bake for about 30 minutes, until golden and crispy. Remember to flip them about halfway through cooking,

2. Dip a spoon in a cup of water and shape lovely fishcakes from the farce, using the spoon and palm of your hand. Cook in a mix of butter and olive oil on a pan, until they have a lovely, golden and crispy surface. Remember to flip the fishcakes frequently.

3. Remove the outer leaves of the pointed cabbage and rinse it. Cut the head into 4-6 wedges. Keep the stem on, so the leaves don't fall apart. Pop the cabbage wedges on a baking sheet with baking parchment.

4. Rub with a bit of butter on all sides, zest a lemon over top, and season with salt and pepper. Bake for approx. 20 minutes, so they're ready at the same time as the potatoes.

5. Serve the fishcakes with the baked potatoes, pointed cabbage, lemon wedges and pickles. Enjoy!


Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help cut the potatoes into wedges. They can also rub butter on the pointed cabbage.

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