( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- wholegrain rice
- 1 pork tenderloin
- 1 onion
- 1 clovegarlic
- 200 gramsmushrooms
- 100 mlwater
- 250 mlsingle cream 8%
- 1 cubebeef stock
- 0.5 tbspdried thyme
- 4 spring onions
- 2 corn cob
- 10 cherry tomatoes
- salt
- pepper
- olive oil
- butter

About the recipe
25 MIN
15 MIN
Pork tenderloin is a super tender and tasty cut for the price. Here we've made a yummy and easy version, seared on the pan and finished in the oven with a gorgeous sauce and spring onions. The yummy lot is served with corn on the cob and rice. Enjoy!
1. Preheat your oven to 200 degrees convection and cook the rice according to the packet.
2. Sear the tenderloin in a bit of olive oil or butter on an oven-safe pan. Remember to season with salt and pepper.
3. Dice onion and garlic. Clean the mushrooms and cut into smaller chunks. Cook everything in a mix of butter and oil on a separate pan - or in a pot. Add water, single cream, crumbled stock cube and thyme. Stir well and add salt and pepper to taste.
4. Pour the sauce over the tenderloin and place cleaned spring onions around the edge of the pan. Pop the pan in the oven and let the tenderloin finish - this takes 15-20 minutes or so. If you don't have an oven-safe pan, place everything in a baking tray.
5. Meanwhile, cut the ends off the corn cobs and remove leaves and "hairs". Split each corn cob in two and cook in salted water for about 10 minutes. Rinse and halve cherry tomatoes.
6. Once the tenderloin is cooked, remove the pan from the oven - be careful! It's absolutely-dead-bonkers hot! Let the tenderloin rest uncovered on a cutting board for five minutes or more before you slice it.
7. Serve the juicy tenderloin with rice, sauce, spring onion and corn cobs and top with cherry tomatoes.
8. Enjoy!
Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help cut up the mushrooms. They can also rinse and halve the tomatoes.