( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 1 celeriac*
- all purpose seasoning
- lettuce of your choice
- 2 tomato
- 300 gramscarrots*
- 0.5 cucumber
- 1 avocado
- 100 gramsbacon slices
- 500 gramsbeef mince
- sliced cheese
- 4 burger buns
- mayonnaise
- ketchup
- tomato chutney
- baking parchment
- olive oil

About the recipe
40 MIN
We love burgers! Here we've stuffed them full of lots of veg and topped them with a delicious tomato chutney. You can buy it ready-made, make it yourself by clicking the little chef's hat in the ingredient list, or just use ketchup!
1. Preheat your oven to 225 degrees convection. Remove the bottom of the celeriac with a knife, peel the rest of the celeriac and rinse it. Start by slicing the celeriac into discs about a centimeter in thickness, then cut the discs into chip-sized sticks. Pop them on a baking tray with baking parchment and coat them with olive oil and all purpose seasoning. Bake the chips for about 30 minutes or until they're nice and golden. Although super tasty, be aware that these won't crisp up the same as regular chips.
2. While the chips are relaxing in the oven, prep the veggies. Rinse the lettuce and rip into chunks, wash and slice the tomatoes. Peel the carrots, wash the cucumber and cut both into sticks. Halve the avocado, remove the stone, scoop out the meat with a spoon and slice it up. We recommend drizzling it with lemon juice to stop it from going brown. Put all your veggies on trays or in bowls.
3. Place bacon slices on a cold, dry pan and switch on the hob. Cook the bacon until crispy and let it drip off on a bit of kitchen roll. If needed, drain some of the fat from the pan, but leave some to cook the patties in.
4. While the bacon cooks, form patties from the mince. Press them slightly flatter with your palm than you actually want them - they're gonna fluff up a bit when you cook them. Season with salt and pepper and cook your patties in the bacon fat. Pop a slice of cheese on the patties after you've flipped them, for those that want cheese, then the cheese gets the chance to melt a little. Yum!
5. Warm the burger buns when the chips are done. Pop everything on the table and let the family assemble their own favourite burger. Enjoy!
If you want a healthier burger, you can sub out the bacon for parma or serrano ham and swap the mayo for a quick dressing of skyr, sweet mustard, salt and pepper.