15 minute fishcakes with couscous and homemade remoulade


Freezer friendly

( 2 adults and 2 kids )

  • 250 gramscouscous
  • 500 mlboiling water
  • 400 gramsfish farce
  • 450 gramsbean mix
  • 0.5 tbspdried oregano
  • 175 gramspickles
  • 2 tbspmayonnaise
  • 2 tspcurry
  •  salt
  •  pepper
  •  butter
  •  olive oil
* = Good to know - click the ingredient
= See the recipe - click the ingredient

Fishcakes are a big hit with most kids – and perhaps an even bigger hit with parents, in this 15 minute version. We've served the fishcakes with couscous and an easy, ready made bean mix from the frozen aisle. If you can't find a bean mix, use another frozen veg mix. Enjoy!


1. Pour boiling water over the couscous in a pot. Add a bit of salt, stir, pop the lid on and let it sit until serving.

2. Heat a pan with a good knob of butter and a splash of olive oil. Dip a spoon into a cup of water and use the spoon and palm of your hand to shape lovely little fishcakes from the farce. Fry on the pan until they have a nice, golden and crispy surface on all sides, and are cooked all the way through.

3. Meanwhile, fry the bean mix in a deep pan or pot with some butter or oil – watch out, as it can sputter some if the vegetables are full of moisture. Season with oregano, salt and pepper.

4. Mix pickles, mayonnaise and curry and season with salt and pepper.

5. Serve the warm fishcakes with couscous, remoulade and fried beans. Enjoy!

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