This week's tips from Mambeno

Monday we’re warming up with a pasta dish, that takes just 25 minutes to make. We’ve used grill sausages – look for the highest meat content you can find. You can also use chicken sausages instead, if you want to keep it lean.

Tuesday we’re serving up a Mambeno classic: The New Years menu! Delicious marinated tenderloin with pommes Anna and mushroom sauce. Remember that the tenderloin needs to marinate for at least 4 hours – so start early, or prep it the day before. Grab a veal tenderloin if you can find one – that’s usually even more tender. And we highly suggest trying some unfamiliar mushrooms to you, the selection at the supermarket is often massive around New Years.

Wednesday is, of course, PIZZA! We’ve put one of our most popular on the menu for the occasion, deep pan pizza with beef. But if you fancy something else, just search for “pizza” in our huge recipe archive.

Thursday has easy chicken krebinettes on the menu. A difficult Danish word for something dead simple and delicious: Breaded and fried meat patties. We’re serving these with creamed peas and pointed cabbage, but you can happily use carrots or whatever veg you have knocking about.

Friday we’re finishing off with a super yummy quiche with chorizo and cottage cheese. The recipe calls for sliced chorizo, but we recommend getting a whole sausage – it’s cheaper and usually tastier than the pre-sliced from the deli cooler.

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You can of course always view the week’s meal plan on your tablet, phone or computer.

Or you can print all the recipes with pictures, as well as a handy overview for the fridge, so the whole family can see what’s on the menu throughout the week.

Simply click PRINT/SAVE at the top of the page.