( 2 adults and 2 kids )
- 800 gramspotatoes
- 300 gramsJerusalem artichokes
- 500 gramsdinner sausage
- 40 gramsalmonds*
- 0.5 headpointed cabbage
- 1 orange
- 1 apple
- dressing of your choice
- 25 gramsbutter
- 50 mlmilk
- 50 mlcooking water
- olive oil
- Gravy
- 500 mlmilk
- 1 cubebeef stock
- corn flour
- gravy browning
- salt
- pepper

About the recipe
40 MIN
Dinner sausage is a hearty hit with most families. We've served this one with a mild mash of Jerusalem artichoke and potatoes, gravy, and a crispy cabbage salad with apple, orange, and almonds. Enjoy!
1. Peel the potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes and roughly dice both. You can just give them a scrub, if the peels are nice and clean. Cook in a pot of unsalted water until completely tender.
2. Fry the dinner sausage on both sides in some olive oil on a pan, until cooked through. We suggest pricking it with a fork, to stop it bursting.
3. While the dinner sausage sizzles, make the salad. Chop the almonds and roast them on a dry pan until slightly browned. Let cool on a plate. Chop rinsed cabbage into strips. Peel the orange, and cut apple and orange into smaller pieces. Mix the lot into a salad and top with a dressing of your choice.
4. Drain the water from the potatoes and artichokes into a bowl - you'll need it in a minute! Mash the roots and potatoes well with a whisk (or masher, if you've got one), add butter, and stir until it's melted. Then add milk and cooking water until the consistency is like thick porridge, then season to taste with salt and pepper. Be careful not to overwork it, especially if using an electric whisk - that can make the texture a bit odd and rubbery..!
5. Remove the sausage from the pan, and don't clean the pan. Pour milk onto the pan along with crumbled stock cube, and bring to the boil over low heat.
6. Stir some corn flour into a cup of water and pour onto the pan little by little, until the gravy has the consistency you prefer. Add gravy browning, until it's the shade of brown you remember from your grandparents. Season with salt and pepper, and an optional sprinkle of lemon and sugar.
7. Serve the dinner sausage with mash, gravy, salad, dressing, and an optional sprinkle of herbs as a garnish, if you feel the cuisine has gotten a bit too brown. Enjoy!
Tasks for kids in the kitchen: Let your kids help cut the apple and orange.They can also stir the gravy, and help taste - kids are champion tasters!